How ironic that I should be reading through Exodus Chapter 16 at the same time that I am helping my younger son figure out how to pay for the next four years at Moody Bible College.
There are SOOO MANY PARALLELS!!! (And that’s NO coincidence!)
Ian is my son who prays for “just enough” – Which is a GREAT prayer! (I DARE you to pray it!) We have approximately 2-1/2 months before we must have an incredible amount of money. But God is already showing up, and He is providing, a little at a time. He is providing in such a significant way, making it VERY clear that THIS was His plan. And, He does this purposefully. He wants us to SEE Him as our Provider, our Sustainer!
The Lord showed up for the Israelites when they were wandering in the desert for 40 years also. He provided bread daily – and just enough for THAT day. He did not drop back packs and tell them, “Now store up! Save as MUCH as you can! Cuz you’re gonna need it!” No – Perhaps if God would have done THAT, the wandering Israelites would have been thankful on day one (although something tells me they would have complained that their backpacks were too heavy). They MAY have remembered to be thankful on day 2, and they likely would not have remembered God until their next hunger pang or need. We’re no different.
I am much more AWARE of God, when I acknowledge my NEED of Him. The more often I NEED Him, the closer in relationship I am with Him. And when He shows up with provision, a little bit at a time, I learn to TRUST Him, and EXPECT for Him to continue coming through with His promises – Just like when a baby cries, he learns to EXPECT his mother to feed him.
The Lord was faithful every single day to the Israelites, even when they were wandering around in the desert. And He is faithful to us, when we wander around in our own deserts. But we must CHOOSE to see Him, CHOOSE to acknowledge Him, CHOOSE to thank Him. Are you grumbling over your current situation? (Your current “desert?”) CHOOSE to thank Him for what you DO have. After all – It is from HIM!
And, I dare you to ask – To ask the Lord to provide you with “just enough” for today – So that tomorrow, you must seek Him again. And then, the next day too. And the next. I DOUBLE-DOG DARE YOU!!!
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