How can I be halfway through this planner? It feels like I just picked it out! Nonetheless, I turned the page tonight for a sneak peek at the plans I’ve penciled in for November. It’s true that TIME goes faster, and faster, and faster the older we get! The past three months I must have aged a decade because it’s never felt this fast to me, ever! And, despite how quickly time seems to have gone by, the leaves this year just seem like they don’t want to fall. I’ve watched them change multiple shades of several different colors in not only my neighborhood, but in every neighborhood to and from work and every other place I frequently drive. But they are still on the trees, and just don’t want to let go!
Tonight it’s cold and rainy, and I wonder if maybe tonight they’ll fall off, and the trees will be back to bare naked sticks tomorrow morning, awaiting a fresh snowfall? Or maybe they’re just like me, trying to hold on to the last bit of that summery-fall, “can’t decide what season it is” kind of Michigan weather… 35 degrees in the morning, 75 in the afternoon. Talk about a slow wean from the summer months… It sure has been!
But we know what’s coming, don’t we? That white stuff…
I won’t bore you with the details of my October’s calendar, but will say that the highlight of the month was, hands down, having a day off, driving to the west side of Michigan, and attending the wedding of one of my son Ian’s oldest and dearest friends. The drive was relaxing and beautiful, the wedding was fun, the hotel was nice, and I got to catch up with Ian and Hayley for a few hours at the wedding. Then we all stayed up late in my room at the hotel talking until about 1 a.m., and got up early for breakfast and visited another couple of hours before saying goodbye. Ian and Hayley headed off to the Chicago airport to fly back to Denver, and I drove north about an hour to visit some friends in Holland. I finally saw the west coast of Michigan and visited the beach. It was a crazy windy day, and the waves were pretty fierce. There were some men out on some boards with what looked like kites, and they were jumping up and down on the water. I’m sure someone reading this knows what I’m talking about, and what it’s called, but I just thought those men were lunatics! I love looking at water, listening to water, and maybe getting in up to my ankles, but that’s it! Glad I got to see it’s beauty, but was happy to get on the road and head home. Therese and Rob were kind enough to let me follow them, and we stopped and had dinner together when we got closer to home, and it was so fun getting to know them a little better!
Another highlight of the month was a visit from my 1st cousin Gene from Antigonish, Nova Scotia. It’s not often people come to Detroit to visit, so it was quite an event! We all sat around the dinner table telling stories and laughing. My family laughs a LOT! And, yes – we tell a lot of stories too. Gene and his wife Sherry left too quickly. We would have loved to keep them around a bit longer, but they are adventurers, and took off to find more shenanigans on their way to Winnipeg.
The remodel of my bathroom is now complete and so pretty! During the “construction” phase of that project, and the complete mess of my house – I kind of took advantage of the time, and let those October weeks become opportunities to catch up with friends. I had dinner with Deb & Nancy not just once, but twice! Then Joyce and Reyne and I screamed at each other through dinner another night when we were sat right next to the DJ at Hamlin Pub. (Don’t go there on a Tuesday if you want to participate in any conversations). Sarah, Sharon, and I got asked to leave a cute little restaurant in Rochester Hills one Saturday where we met for breakfast. (Apparently, we were having such a good time catching up that TIME got away with us, there was a long line going on outside, and we had over-stayed our welcome!). We just took it back to Sarah’s place and continued catching up there! Got to hang out with Andy & Haley and play with their littles one Thursday night on my way home from work, and Friday night caught up with my friend Donna who I hadn’t seen since the beginning of COVID. And a last minute, very long overdue, breakfast and visit with one of my. favorite. human. beings. on. planet. earth. Jessica!!! Oh, how I have missed my friend Jessica!
There’s only two things left on October’s “to do” list and I won’t get them done tonight, so I guess they will be passed off on the next month. Sorry about that, November.
Quote of the Month: “Whatever you do to GET love, you’ll ultimately resent. Whatever you do as a RESPONSE to love, you will never, ever regret.” Can’t tell ya who said it, cuz I dunno 🙂 Basically, check your motives.
Wisdom of the Month: “People. They matter the most, so spend time with them, and make sure you tell them that you love them.” A quote from one of my patients who is kicking cancer’s butt.
Favorite Book of the Month: Honey on the Sweet Potatoes! (A gift from my very thoughtful friend, Annie)
Favorite Moment of the Month: When I caught eye contact with David’s Mom as the bride was walking down the aisle. I mouthed to her, “look at your son!” She turned quickly and caught a glimpse of her son crying as he watched his bride approach. I’m so glad she got to have that moment!
I’m 59, and I know that things aren’t always going to be going this swell. I am well aware that life has it’s ups and downs, catastrophes, heartaches, losses, and hurts. But why not record the good times, so that we can look back and remember all the PEOPLE, and TIME that we’ve been blessed with? Donna, Jessica, Emily, Sharon, Sarah, Nancy, Deb, Reyne, Edna, Andy, Haley, Ian, Hayley, Carol, Joyce, Keith, Marilyn, Rob, Therese, Edna, Gene, Sherry, Beema, Nanny, Rory, Holly & kiddos, and Emily…. Whether it was for three hours, or even just five minutes – THANK YOU, for being a part of my October!!! I love you ALL!
These ARE the green pastures! These are the little things I remind myself of, so that WHEN those difficult times come (and they will), I can remember how good God has been to me. And October’s just been one of those months that has reminded me over and over and over of just HOW good He’s been! I don’t deserve it, but He’s good to me anyways, and that’s exactly what makes his grace just so amazing.
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