Setting my alarm in order to give myself only enough time to brush my teeth, wash my face, get dressed and out the door, I scrambled to make it on time to my appointment. But before I did, I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and had a good laugh at myself. My hair stood straight up on the right side, and was flat as a pancake on the left. Some spritzes of water and a hair brush cured that, but I was not looking real attractive this morning. As I sat down to put some make-up on, I thought about my friend who called me last night, the one who had facebooked me, and about my other couple of friends who sent me text messages. And just as I was thanking God for them, I received a text from yet another. And the string of text messages that ensued after that was so insightful, that I knew I had to share. (Yes, with permission)
FRIEND: I am up praying for you this morning.
ME: HA! I was just thanking God for you and your friendship. I KNOW that when you say you will pray, that you actually DO! I remember Steve Andrews once telling us about an aunt he had, who had prayed every day of his life for him. One day he received a letter in the mail, asking him if he would please release her from that promise, as she was elderly, getting forgetful, and was afraid to break that promise. (I think I took promising to pray for someone much more seriously after that day).
FRIEND: Oh, that is beautiful!
ME: I am scary looking this morning.
FRIEND: God’s beauty and grace is going to shine through you.
ME: How do soap opera stars wake up with perfect hair? I don’t get it.
FRIEND: LOL! Lots of peeps behind the scenes. YOUR peeps are prayer warriors with very messy hair, unwashed faces, and no make up. They are on their knees in prayer. (We can hit the beauty school later).
ME: Oh, honey – that is blog worthy!
FRIEND: Please, no pix of me and my hair!
I laughed at my friend’s analogy. It was so, so perfect. Movie stars would never hire make-up artists, and keep them employed if the first day on the job they stood in front of the mirror doing their OWN hair and make-up! And I don’t think they would still be employed, if they forgot to show up on the first day on the job!
I hope and pray you have a “dressing room” like mine, with just enough room for some honest-to-goodness “peeps” who will hit their knees, and pray for wisdom, and courage, and humility, and peace, and acceptance, and above all for HIS WILL, no matter what that looks like! I hope you are blessed like I am, with “peeps” who don’t hit their knees praying that I become more like THEM, but that I become more like JESUS. I hope you have friends who pray for you to be OBEDIENT, even if what it is the Lord is calling you to do, or where He is calling you to go, might scare THEM a little bit, or may perhaps look a little different than what THEY would have you do, or where THEY would have you go.
I pray that you surround yourself with people who encourage you and point you to JESUS. Lucky, lucky me. I got that!!! And you all know who you are………..
“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” “Philippians 2:3-4
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