Just a short blog with a few of my thoughts about grace I’ve jotted down while only a couple of chapters into the following book – I Am N: Inspiring Stories of Christians Facing Islamic Extremists:
If I prefer not to be around anyone who believes differently than me…….. how can I possibly realize the beauty of the Gospel? How can I fulfill the great commission? Or be salt and light in a dark world? Reflect Christ to a lost and dying world? How can I pick and choose who I feel deserves my donations? Or believe others are worth less than me, and still expect to hear “Well done, good and faithful servant?” How can I preach grace when I myself, am unwilling to give it freely to those I believe do not deserve it?
I can’t.
The truth is, that anyone who has truly received grace, and mercy, and forgiveness and knows Christ as their Savior cannot keep it to themselves. They can’t. And the more grace, mercy, and forgiveness they extend to others, the more joyful they become!
We don’t need a passport and a Visa to participate in the Great Commission. There are mission fields in EVERY zip code, near and far. We just need surrendered hearts and lives……..
“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35
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