“Robin Williams’ Daughter Speaks Out as Estate Fight Heads for Mediation”
Those were the headlines I first read this morning after a long, much-needed 10-hour sleep. I sat back on the couch as I read, and it just made me sad……
All of that fighting – over a bunch of “stuff.”
I once cared for a woman whose daughters could not get to the hospital in time for her death, and she was too uncomfortable to fight long enough to wait. I’ll never forget it. She spoke one word at a time to myself and another gal, in between fighting just to breathe. She was able to write down on a napkin a message she wanted us to give her daughters, indicating which of them would inherit her ruby necklace and which would receive her diamond earrings. When the daughters arrived, they ran to their MOTHER. They were looking for their MOTHER – not for a note indicating what “stuff” they got………….
It seems to me like our “moments” of just “knowing” what REALLY matters are so short-lived. But they are, truly, glimpses of God’s heart, (if you ask me). I don’t know if those daughters fought over that jewelry, or money, or houses, or heirlooms, or any other of their mother’s earthly possessions in the weeks following her death. I only got to witness the moment their hearts were vulnerable enough to experience what is REAL and LASTING…….
Stuff? It’s just stuff. It’s momentary. It means nothing. It does not last.
But it’s truly, in my opinion, in THOSE moments when our hearts are aching so deeply, that we get to experience only a teeny tiny piece of the love God feels for us. Yes, in moments of death it hurts horribly. But I bet His heart hurt horribly when He sent His son to die in the place of you and I. He “GETS IT!”
But the inheritance available to ALL to receive in eternity lasts ……. Well, forever. Let me tell you about MY inheritance.
You see, I happen to have a VERY wealthy Father. Mmm Hmmm, that’s right.
The word “inheritance” is used over 300 times in the Scriptures. And what do those Scriptures say about what I have coming to me as a daughter of the LIVING GOD? Well, here are a few “things” my Father is rich in……..
- He is rich in MERCY! (Ephesians 2:4)
- He is rich in Incomparable Grace, Compassion, & Love! (Psalm 145:8)
- He is rich in Power! (2 Corinthians 4:7)
- He is rich in Greatness & Majesty! (1 Chronicles 29:11-12)
- He is rich in Wisdom & Knowledge! (Romans 11:33)
Once I accepted Christ and what He did at the Cross, I became a NEW CREATION – IN CHRIST! (Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17)
As a believer, I have the promise of an eternal life. I am declared IN CHRIST that I am “sealed with the Holy spirit.” I am redeemed, justified, sanctified, and made righteous THROUGH Jesus Christ! This gives me certain rights, referred to as “Sonship Rights,” which are great and precious promises! I am a CO-HEIR with Jesus! For like – EVER and EVER! (You gotta be out your mind not to want that too!)
Oh, and here’s my favorite part………….
He (God), does not “dish out” our inheritances individually based on our performance, our behavior, how many times we served at the soup kitchen, how many mission trips we participated in, or how much was in our envelope we dropped weekly in the basket.
He does not COMPARE us to others when deciding what our inheritance should be, or what we do or do not deserve. (What we DESERVE is the death Jesus got, but He got THAT in our place).
Did you get that? He DOES NOT COMPARE YOU TO OTHERS! And, He is not going to get mad at you and “adjust” or “take” your Inheritance away!
No one will be in heaven bickering over “she got more than me!” or “I deserved more than this!” Nope – None of that nonsense will you find in heaven……..
I screw up OFTEN. I don’t always “feel” redeemed, justified, sanctified, and made righteous. But God said He would NEVER leave me, NEVER forsake me. I have been made right with Him by my confession and believing in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and He is now seated in heaven at the right hand of the Father.
So I fix my eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (See 2 Corinthians 4:18)
That poor family of Robin Williams…. I hope some day they “get it” and find the ONLY inheritance worth looking forward to…
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