Happy New Year!
It’s been at least a decade & a half since I wrote a holiday letter updating family & friends on all my biz, but that’s certainly not because there’s been a lack of any significant biz to report.
The truth is, I don’t really know why I haven’t written a holiday update in so long. Perhaps I haven’t written one because everyone seems to know everything that’s going on now-a-days anyways. My generation does do a pretty good job of keeping the whole world updated, right down to a photo of what we ate for breakfast this morning. It could be because someone actually told me years ago my letters were so annoying that they actually made her angry. (They probably really were annoying, and I think she might have been right). Maybe I avoided writing it because my life is less than perfect, and – aren’t New Year updates supposed to tell everyone how wonderful and perfect my life is? Well, it’s not – so I’m gonna write it, and I’m gonna keep it real this December 31, so I can seal up 2021 with an honest look at the past 12 months.
Let’s start at the very beginning. It’s a very good place to start. (Sung to the tune of “Do-Re-Mi” by Julie Andrews).
- Woke up one morning, decided to move. Sold condo in one day. Purged, purged, & purged some more. Packed in record time. Found new condo, & negotiated a great deal!
- Spent a week in the hospital and survived a GI bleed prior to move-out / move-in dates. (After receiving 3 blood transfusions, I am even more passionate about blood and organ donation!) Oh, and no more NSAID’s for this gal.
February, March
- Moved in February 6, with the help of Nancy, Tom, Jeff & Diane, Terri & Jim, Tonnie, Eunice & Dave, and the list goes on. I began the renovations, painting, blah, blah, blah… (It finally feels & looks like home!) I have a brand new kitchen and laundry room. (Thanks Mike, Jeff, & Derek!)
- I’m 2 minutes from my Mom, and about 15 minutes from my sister Nancy now!
- Attended TGC-W with Sarah, Ruth, & Megan in Indianapolis. Got to worship with Shane & Shane all weekend and spend time with my friends.
- Had breakfast with my old Army buddy Leroy in Indianapolis. Last time I saw him was when we worked together in San Jose, in 1988. It’s not fair that I’m older and fatter, and he’s still handsome and looks great.
May, June, July
- Worked a LOT. Drove to Chicago once more prior to Ian moving out to Denver, Colorado. Did I mention I worked a lot?
- Started new position at work as Team Director, and loved, loved, loved it.
- Hayley, Ian’s sweet (and gorgeous) fiance drove with her sister Liz from Chicago for Owen’s 3rd birthday party. Car broke down and I had to go get them. We arrived late, and then had to find someone to purchase her car, and rent a new one to drive back to Chicago! Those poor girls! They were my very first overnight guests in the new place! Happy 3rd birthday, Owen! (Anyone have a used car for sale?)
September, October, November
- Job continued to go south as case loads of patients doubled and became ridiculously high with seemingly no end or resolution in site. Company got bought out and swallowed up, and… well, nothing good came from that, so began contemplating what my next move should be.
- Took off to Denver to visit my friend Sharon, aka “Pood,” (Ian’s Denver Mom), ran into a herd of elk up close, which I am certain was a once in a lifetime chance! Sharon and I went with Ian to get fitted for his suit for wedding in January. And it’s a good thing we did 😉 Ian & I made meatballs and Irish bread one night.
- Spent a day driving around with Ian in the Rocky Mountains, went moonshine tasting, and talked about sooo many things. What a gift that day was!
- Maci was born December 4 to Rory & Holly. Lyla & Owen love having another sister!
- Left job on December 17, and went straight from office to airport for some rest & relaxation with friends in Atlanta. Watched some movies, ate at my favorite Atlanta restaurant, and sang carols with Drew & Ellie Holcomb!
Throughout the Year
- Many trips out to Richmond to see Lyla, Owen, Rory, & Holly (they are about 30 or 40 minutes north of me). They have chickens! I love chickens! They also have a 4-wheeler, which I love riding around their property on!
- Got to share some real estate closings with Rory this year. This past year at the job kept me from doing much of anything – so thank God for Rory who helped quite a few of my friends! There are a lot of people, friends, relationships, that were neglected secondary to the amount of hours I worked weekly. Changing that is a GOAL of 2022, for sure!
- Read a few books with my girlfriends, our sort of “on line small group,” and even met the niece of the author of my most recent favorite, when she just happened to be sitting next to me on an airplane! (Come on now… that was a God thing!) “Aging with Grace” – an excellent read!
- I disappointed some people, and some people disappointed me – a result of the fall.
- I gained back most of the weight I had lost five years ago.
- I told ya me, my life, and some of my relationships aren’t perfect.
- I found 35 old VHS-C tapes, and I’m on pins and needles waiting for the phone call telling me to come pick up the disk versions!
- I met some incredible people, and most of them were my patients. I still call my sneakers my school shoes. I still love taking care of people, and my patients will always have something to teach me.
- Currently doing a one-year Bible study with a friend from church. (It’s really difficult, but I’m enjoying it!)
- Started getting Hello Fresh & feel like a gourmet chef now.
- Excited to be headed back to the hospital to take care of patients again! (But secretly wishing that I would win the lotto and never have to work again).
- After a spontaneous move, a GI bleed, a new job, then a new position, and then a move back to the hospital, I’ve learned to hold on to my plans even looser than I have in the past.
- Really still struggling with some junk – but so thankful for my gals and our daily texts. Life is hard, and I don’t know what I’d do without you. Really. I love you.
- I have a new prayer binder (inspired by my Pood’s husband, Mike). (Hey Sharon, shall I call him Mr. Pood?) It’s filled with goals that are personal, and people I love.
- Talk less, don’t gossip, no cussing, and listen more.
- Collect wisdom from people and write it down to ponder (including “Meelock-ism’s” from Jean’s Mom).
- You guys – Did I mention that Ian & Hayley will be living in Denver? I have a great new place to visit, and new family members in Chicago! (Hayley’s family is great)!
- I haven’t had nearly the time I would prefer to have, in order to write stories. That’s another 2022 GOAL, with the first thing I plan to write being what I will say at Ian’s wedding.
- Looking forward to more snuggles with Maci, more time with my Michigan fam including Rory, Holly & kiddos
- Speak less, listen more.
Eh. This probably all sounds so cheesy, but it’s all I’ve got tonight.
Hey 2021 – See Ya!
Happy New Year 2022 from Me!
Happy New Year forever friend! I didn’t know you went back to the hospital. No longer with Hospice? We need to catch up. I love you friend! Best wishes for all your wishes to come true in 2022. When is the wedding?