I’m about to be up past my bedtime, but sticking to my goal of blogging every month in 2022! Turning back to the month of March in my calendar, I’m now convinced that cute little calendars with small pages will likely never, ever work for me. March was CRAZY busy!
If you’re feeling led to pray for me, please pray that the IRS cashes the check I sent them very early in March. I check daily, a little concerned that they won’t let me know they’ve received it before March 15.
I took my Mom to see Mary Poppins, Jr. at a local theater, and then out for Mexican food for her 85th birthday. She enjoyed herself, but I’m not sure she’d do it again. I must be the only nerd in the family who enjoys local theater.
The absolute HIGHLIGHT of my month was getting a visit from my friends of almost 4 decades now… David & Donna Siefker. Donna was my roommate in Korea for two years, and she met David while we were there, and they married. We’ve all managed to stay in touch over these years, and… we never lack memories to laugh at over and over, and over, and over. And, we’ve prayed each other through some pretty difficult times as well. Definitely a highlight of March!
One Friday evening, several of us from work went to Gilbert’s for dinner, and it was really fun getting to know our new co-workers. And, a nice break from talking about the side effects of chemotherapy, and trying to remember the names of a gazillion new drugs and in what order to give them. By Friday, my brain just wants a pair of flannel pajamas and a pillow, so getting to know new friends outside of work was a lot of fun.
I’m continuing my year-long Bible study with my friend Linda. Sometimes we meet in person, and other times we FaceTime. It’s fun, and I’m learning a lot – a lot from the study itself, and of course, I always, always walk away having learned something just from being with Linda. Surround yourself with people who, when you’re done visiting, you walk away feeling closer to Jesus.
I’ve finally established with a new PCP. That was hard to do. I was emailing back and forth with my old beloved doc, and was crying the whole time. We promised not to lose touch. Leaving my Beaumont family – my colleagues, as well as all my established docs, has been HARD! But I already love my new ones. (Just really grateful that I didn’t have to change my hairdresser of many, many, many years! Again, thank you, Lisa, for not belonging to a hospital system!)
Speaking of docs…
You’d have been quite impressed with my triple sow cow, double axel perfect “10” landing on March 10. I was up at our front desk at the unit, and turned around to start walking, but my left foot got stuck underneath the bottom drawer of a little filing cabinet. I didn’t realize the drawer was not closed. My foot stayed, and the rest of me kept going. I landed on my left side (like, all of me, all at once). Wound up in the ER twice, to see the doc four times now, only to learn that I have a full thickness tear of 75% of my left rotator cuff, and lots and lots of severe bruising. No surgery is in my future however, just PT for my bilateral lumbar strain. My back pain is at a whole new level, so when you start praying for my check to get cashed by the IRS, feel free to throw in a prayer or ten for my back pain. By the way, the orthopedic surgeon asked me, “How much longer are you going to be working?” And I wondered… wait! You didn’t even ask me if I might be pregnant before you took x-rays! How did I age so quickly that you’re now asking me how much longer I’m going to be needing this rotator cuff anyways?? (I ran to the mirror. Oh my gosh! I look old!)
I also got to catch up with my old friend Jeff from work at Beaumont over dinner. I had my sister Nancy and her husband over for a lazy dinner one night. Pizza from Jets. Sometimes, you just gotta do easy.
My friend Dana told me back in December, “Rita, if you think you love your hospice patients, just wait till you meet your cancer patients, cuz you’re gonna love them too!” She was right. I love em so, so much. My sneakers are still my “school shoes,” and every single day, I’m reminded of what matters, and what doesn’t. And as I look forward to starting my 60th year of life on this planet… it’s good to be reminded of what nonsense to let go of, and how to live a little wiser.
I only made it to Lowe’s once this month. (I know what those of you closest to me are thinking right now, and no… I do not need any Colace, but thanks).
It snowed a few times in March, but I’m anxiously looking forward to getting my bright pink geraniums back from my sister’s basement and putting them on the porch! (They didn’t just survive, they thrived and are beautiful!). Thanks Nanc.
April showers… bring em’ on. I’m ready for spring!
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