Okay, STOP IT! Stop saying “JUST” before thee single most important “job” you’ll EVER have! Try saying it again. Just Do it! But take OUT the “just!”
“I AM A STAY-AT-HOME MOM!” (And hold your head up when you say that!)
I talk to a LOT of people – Not only because I am a registered nurse and spend a lot of time with my patients and their family members, but also because I just happen to have inherited the “Gift of Gab” gene from my Father’s side……….
Wait a minute. Let me RE-PHRASE that. I didn’t “just happen to”…….. No. I DID inherit that gene! I’m HAPPY to have that gene! (See? I took out the “just!”)
And I am appauled…… Yes, appauled, at how many stay-at-home moms (or housewives) insert that little “just” word before our title. (I have been guilty on occasion also). Why, why, why do we do that??? Why do we demean our jobs as moms?
As small girls, did we not play with baby dolls, dreaming some day of BEING a Mom?? Thinking back – I think being a Mom was the first “career” I dreamed of as a little girl growing up!
I have ONLY been an empty nester now for, hmmm, let’s see…….. 13 days. And in that 13 days, I have done far less laundry than I have for 22 years of raising children. I have made a new hobby out of searching for “recipes for one” on the internet. I have turned the corner and seen moms waiting at the bus stop for their children – a little reminiscently envious, I’ll admit. I’ve wondered if my kids are okay, if the brushed their teeth, if they know when their next physical is due, if they got enough sleep, if they are taking their vitamins, if they are eating properly, and on and on and on………..
The house is quiet. Things are different. I’m only responsible for me. What an odd feeling…….
Maybe I’ll buy a house plant. I can take care of a house plant. I need something to take care of!
Being a parent is so much more than a job. It is an IDENTITY. And we don’t realize that we GIVE so much of ourselves – ALL of ourselves away for all those years! When our kids move out, and move on, it can feel like we have lost our very identity! I’m realizing that more and more these days. But I am so very comforted knowing that because of my parenting and being available for my children, they are good kids. (I sleep well knowing that).
SIDE BAR: While discussing this with my girlfriend on Sunday, we wondered – Wow! What would it look like, if we emptied ourselves for CHRIST, as much as we empty ourselves for our FAMILIES and our CHILDREN? (Powerful thought to ponder, Moms!)
So THIS blog is to encourage any parents out there. We get enough discouragement from so many people around us – From siblings, friends, parents, even from people who offer their unsolicited advice. Parenting is the most rewarding, most difficult, exhausting, energy-zapping, sanity-questioning “job” you will ever have. And it is the most important job you will ever have.
God could have given your kids to any other parents. But He chose YOU, for your children! And He chose THEM – JUST for you! (Acceptable use of the word “just” here, don’t you think?)
Psalm 127:3 says, “Children are a GIFT from the LORD; they are a reward from him.”
A gift FROM GOD!!! Take that gift SERIOUSLY! Don’t “wish away” the time! Cherish every single kiss, hug, snuggle, art project, math problem, football game (even if it’s in the cold rain), prom, and conference. Because time goes by way, way too fast.
(Confession: I did NOT cherish driver’s ed and being the passenger while they learned. I did not inherit the “patience” gene from Dad).
So, for the love of God – PLEASE stop saying you are “JUST” a stay-at-home Mom! We are raising the next generation – Now THAT deserves some credentials if you ask me!
Yeah!!! Moms!!!!! Moms ROCK!!!!
Now, say it with me……….. “I AM A STAY-AT-HOME MOM!!!”
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