“I wanna call Aunt Ayley!” I hear it every time I visit little Miss Maci. A couple of visits a year just leaves her wanting more Aunt & Uncle time, snuggles, giggles, and love. And a trip to Colorado to see them this summer has left her missing her Aunt & Uncle, and Loki, their black lab, more than ever. Holly, my daughter-in-law, says Maci makes a sad face and shares her heartache of missing them all with random cashiers while in line at the grocery store. “My Aunt & Uncle are in Colorado,” she says. So when I visit, she’s after my phone because she knows she can see their faces and hear their voices live!
A few weeks ago, Maci dialed them, and while talking she took the phone into her room. There, she put the phone down and then changed clothes into her favorite red and black flannel “cozy jammies,” as she calls them, put her Colorado book in the Moose backpack she got while on vacation there, threw it on her back, and begged Aunt Ayley, “Pleaseeeee… you help me get to Colorado?” It was sweet and precious and heartbreaking all at the same time.
What the heck did we do before we had cell phones and FaceTime?
That sweet little thing has a room FULL of toys, as well as a basement and upstairs with every toy imaginable. She lacks for nothing and has no reason to ever be bored or have nothing to do. But my granddaughter is the wisest 2-year-old toddler you’ll ever meet because she knows what matters more than anything in the whole wide world….
TIME with the PEOPLE she loves the most, and of course, like every other MacDonald gal (young OR old)…. a nice, cozy, warm flannel nightgown.
This. This is how we should feel about our Savior. I’ve got a wise little granddaughter teaching me things…
“He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And He said, ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.'” Matthew 18:2-5
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