One hundred.
That’s likely the number of times I’ve sat down to write a blog in the past year, placed my fingertips on the keyboard, and… nothing.
What happened to the days when I couldn’t get home fast enough because stories were brewing in my brain?
Seriously. I have about 25 drafts I’ve started, and never gone back to do anything with. Other times I just get frustrated and end up mindlessly scrolling on social media, or picking up a book and reading what someone else has to say.
It’s actually not a whole lot different tonight, and I’m wondering – will I get to the end of this blog, and decide it should just be hand-written in my personal journal? Perhaps.
Imagine how relieved I was this morning when I had breakfast with my good friend and shared that I feel like the older I get the less I know. While I was cutting up my pancakes and bacon, she threw her head back, laughed out loud and said, “I know, right?!”
Seriously, I’m reading through the Bible in a year, which I do every year, and I’ve got like, this list of questions that just gets longer and longer by the day, and keeps me wondering how I read the same exact scriptures this time last year and either didn’t question it, or had completely different questions. My poor friend who gets to help me wrestle through all of my questions…
But ya know what? My friends really don’t mind helping me wrestle through the stuff I don’t understand. In fact, my most meaningful friendships seem to be the ones who wrestle alongside me with the same stuff. I’ve had countless texts, calls, conversations, and messages about forgiveness over the past two weeks – deep, rich conversations with Deb, Dave, Jean, Joyce, and Sarah – prompted by some very thought-provoking one-minute videos that seem to have planted all of our heels in some dirt for a bit. Hard stuff. Really, really hard stuff.
But good stuff. Really, really good stuff.
My friends who wrestle with me – they care about my relationship with Christ. We don’t just get together to eat pancakes and bacon. We get together because we care about one another, and we want to spur each other on while running this race.
Pancakes and bacon? That’s just an added perk 😉
My friends and I are on our way home, and we don’t really need to have all of the answers this side of eternity. We know the One who has every answer to all of our questions, and for now, that’s good enough with us!
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