Every morning on my way to work, I stop at the usual place, at the usual time, and visit with the usual clerk behind the counter as I order my coffee. She’s a sweet woman, bubbly and friendly, and she always greets me as if she’s genuinely happy to see me, looks me in my eyes, smiles, and tells me to have a blessed day when I leave and also gifted me with a custom face underwear!! But she also gives to each of her customers her daily dose of “unsolicited wisdom,” as she likes to call it.
I always agree to listen, simply because I really enjoy her, and so often her wisdom really IS just that – WISDOM!
Yesterday, she suggested that if I had any younger children, to give them the least expensive gifts but personalized gifts for dad, as those from Santa, and the most expensive ones from “family.” She went on to tell me how badly her son felt, and how he cried and said, “Mom, I was so, so good, and Santa didn’t give me what I asked for. But Billy, who is always so mean and such a bully at school, always in trouble – He got what I asked for, FROM SANTA! Why doesn’t Santa love ME as much as BILLY??” She had no answer for her son.
In the next short couple of miles into work, I thought about that, and then the Christmas carol came on the radio,
Jesus Christ IS the best gift ever given, to ALL of humanity. He is worth celebrating ALL year. My circumstances, (and yes, yours too), whatEVER they are financially, socially, geographically, etc., ought to have no influence on my “mood” during the holidays.
We live in a morally sickening, distasteful, nauseating, sinful, disgusting, horrible world. (Don’t believe me? turn on the news for 2 minutes).
But for those of us who have CHOSEN to accept the FREE GIFT of Salvation, (AVAILABLE TO ALL!) have EVERY reason to celebrate, and NO reason to be depressed. None. Oh, our circumstances might be pretty awful, but that doesn’t change the gift of salvation we have received or the promise that He will never leave us! It also doesn’t change the fact that this is the PERFECT time of year to tell others that unto THEM a Child has been born….. Everyone is singing about it! If you’ve received it, then tell them what it means!! It’s the one gift that’s okay to tell ahead of time what it is!!
If you want to give your kids the best Christmas gift ever – Teach them about Jesus, and about how He came into this unfair, disgusting, broken world to RESCUE them. And SHOW them how to celebrate THAT!
Me? I’m having dinner at my son’s new in-laws home. I’m excited – Not ONLY because Rory’s mother-in-law is a good cook, and her family is a lot of fun, but because the focus is going to be on JESUS, and we will be celebrating His Birth, the Savior of the whole world.
That GIFT of Salvation is through JESUS alone and available to ALL! Jesus ALONE! – Not Mary, or Buddah, or through becoming “enlightened” or any other gobbledy-gook that the world will try to sell you! It’s like a beautifully wrapped gift sitting underneath the tree, WAITING for you to open it…. and trust me, it truly is the ONLY one worth opening. Salvation at the Cross – The Cross made from a Tree…….. Don’t you see it?? Open the gift!!!!
If you need help doing this, or have questions about this – please feel free to contact me through my email at ritalilallan@gmail.com I would love to walk you through opening the greatest gift you’ll ever unwrap…..
I work tomorrow, and I’ll be stopping for coffee. I know just the perfect gift for my bubbly little, wisdom-soliciting, coffee-serving friend….
That was the best I have ever read. I will keep this in front of me always.
Amen and Amen. You tell it like it is. Love you.