I was rear-ended today on my way to a funeral. And my back is killing me as a result of that rear-end collision, so I will keep this short and to the point so that I can go lay down!
The details of the accident, I’ll get to. The most amazing things about the entire day, were the conversations that took place.
Once we got on the freeway, a popular subject came up – My son’s upcoming wedding, only 7 days away now. Soon after that, we were discussing the funeral we were on our way to. Then, we just laughed about how happy and joyous events bring out the worst in us sometimes, and tend to bring out all of the family dysfunctions – And the most sad times in our lives bring out the best in us, and seem to unite family. Seems backwards if you ask me.
Then, somehow we landed and camped on the subject of how God protects us. Jan was telling me about her son, who lived in New York City, and rode the subway from underneath the Twin Towers, and on 9/11 he decided not to take the subway that day. That decision saved his life. I think Jan said something to the effect of, “God’s hand of protection was all over him that day!” – or something like that.
And not long after she said it, BOOM! We got rear-ended by a van, who apparently did not see that traffic had come to a crawl. We both screamed, and immediately after screaming, Jan asked, “Are you all right?” and I asked her, “Are you okay?” When we got out of the car, the young man who very obviously felt horrible, asked, “Are you ladies allright?”
Of COURSE I was wondering, and worried about my car. But it was not my first concern. My friend was. And I was her first concern.
Peculiar, isn’t it? The events in our lives – They make us think. Today, I thought about a lot of things – Weddings, funerals, and on the way to celebrate someone’s life, and mourn the family’s loss, I was reminded of what truly is important. It’s not my bank account, my home, or even my super cute shiny white Volkswagon Jetta 😉 It’s not whether or not I was “right” in the last argument I had with my son. It’s not any of the things that take up “think space” in my head on a daily basis.
It’s people. I care about the people in my life.
Does anyone matter to you? Don’t waste another moment. Text them. Call them. Email them. Just tell them. TODAY! Don’t wait for an “event!”
Edna says
A big reminder from Wednesday’s bible study, listen & do not delay. More personal validation for me to “see” my ALS friend in October; physical changes are escalating for. Pray your physical symptoms are dissipating. Praise you, your friend and the violator were protected!