Happy Mother’s Day!… I mean week!
Seriously. I’ve been scrolling since Monday through the most heartfelt memories and photos from every Mama I know – young and old, including some of the young girls I know who grew up with my sons, stopping to have an “awwww….” moment, and even get a little choked up. Now they know how sweet it is to carry a baby, and how slow, yet how fast those nine precious months go by. Oh young ladies, you will forever cherish those sweet bumps!
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” Psalm 127:3
Social Media’s “Post your baby bump pictures for Mother’s Day!” challenges abound this weekend, and mine are now 28 and 30, and have wives. One of them has a one son, two daughters, and a coop full of chickens, and the other is currently in search of the perfect family pet. No littles just yet.
It’s likely you won’t see any of us Grandma’s posting our bumps. We’re weren’t as good at taking photos back then as we are now. But we’ve got silver hair, wrinkles, aches, pains, and laugh lines, and a little bit of wisdom from the School of Hard Knocks we’re quite proud to have earned. I’m pretty certain I can point out at least 3 wrinkles that belong to 2013, a few more from 2020, and my laugh lines increase with every visit with Lyla, Owen, & Maci! My dermatologist has kindly offered to try to remove some of them for a hefty amount of money, but I refuse to give up these trophies. I cherish the stories and memories behind each of them, and I’d miss them almost as much as my bumps.
I now have two amazing daughters-in-law I love more and more as time goes by, and three sweet grandchildren, and if a few more result in some more wrinkles and laugh lines, then bring! them! on!
“Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.” Proverbs 16:31
Happy Mother’s Day to young Moms and old Moms, new Moms, and seasoned Moms, Grandmas, Nannas, and Noni’s, Granny’s, Gummy’s too, Spiritual Mama’s, and “Gotcha” Mamas! Go ahead and post your bump if you’d like, but feel free to throw in a picture of those gorgeous, one-of-a-kind, wrinkles too! Ladies, we’ve earned em!
A note about the photo: Far left is David, a faithful friend to every member of my family, and so he is included in our family photos, family stories, and yes, even my wrinkles! Left to right: David, me (& my wrinkles), Hayley & Ian, Rory & Holly (holding Maci), my sister Nancy & her husband Tom. Down in front: Owen (whose first love is Hayley), and Lyla (who currently loves the new freckles appearing on her cute little face).
Take Away: Bumps lead to wrinkles 😉
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