It’s payday. Stamps are already on the bills that I had prepared a week ago, and I have organized my spending money into the appropriate envelopes. The envelopes are not bulging, and there’s not much to save, but I’ve been used to living this way for 2 decades now. And you know what? I’m thankful for that!
Single parenting for 20 years and recently “launching” them out into the world – The Lord has recently opened my eyes and given me another blessing to be thankful for.
For many years I have boasted in the fact (yes, boasted), that there are many things in my life I regret, mistakes I have made, decisions that were poor – But I successfully raised my boys into good, moral, responsible, kind, God-fearing young men. Recently, however, the Lord has shown me that this too, was a gift from Him. I have given myself the glory in my boasting that I finally had done something right. I ought to be pointing to HIM. This morning, I am thankful for Him pointing that out to me. To GOD be the glory!
When the Israelites were roaming around in the desert grumbling and complaining, Exodus 16:4a tells us this: “Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day.”
Did you CATCH THAT??? The Lord gave them ENOUGH FOR THAT DAY! If He gave them a week’s worth at once, He would have had to drop down coolers and backpacks for them to store it in, and they would have had to lug it around, and they probably would have grumbled even more. And they also would have likely stolen from each other and complained that someone else got more than they did. And worse yet, they would probably not have engaged daily in prayers to God, because they would have not needed Him until a week later when they were hungry again! (Come on, we both know it’s true – because we’ve ALL been guilty of calling on Him ONLY when we are desperate for His help!)
I raised these kids of mine alone. And I had to be in constant contact (and constantly trusting) that the Lord would come through. I think He enjoyed hearing from me on a daily basis, even if it was for a need! As a new mother-in-law who enjoys driving all the way to my son’s house to drop off snacks or bubble bath, just because I enjoy blessing them with little things, I am convinced MY Father enjoys doing the same for me!!
I haven’t been able to save up for years of traveling the world through my retirement. I don’t have a gigantic “nest egg” that I have to fall back on should my back fail me, or times get difficult. But I have a God who, looking back, has provided for my EVERY need. Even looking back to the mobile home we lived in for 5 years, and sold for $7,000 more than I purchased it for – He was blessing me back then! Because even that little bit made it possible for me to purchase the home we now live in. And I have watched time after time after time, my children receive blessings at the very last moment, making their lives possible – Sometimes through employment, often through people.
So I KNOW that MY GOD is faithful, that He has plans to prosper me, not to harm me, and plans to give me a hope and a future. I know it because HIS WORD SAYS SO! He has been faithful my entire life, and I trust Him to continue. He is an UNCHANGING God, and my provider – lover of my soul!
So what I am thankful for this morning, is that God has pointed out to me looking backward, HIS HAND in my entire life, even all the way back to when I was NOT following Him. I am thankful that I have always been in a position of need, of having “just enough” that every day I have had to be in contact with Him, and that through that, He continues to build trust in Me by showing me HIS faithfulness, HIS trustworthiness, HIS concern for my circumstances. I am thankful for the relationship we were together able to grow.
I wish a “just enough” life for everyone – So that you do not have an “opportunist” type of relationship with God, but one where you must be in constant need of Him.
Thank you Lord, for always caring for my children and I, for always providing for us, often at the last minute, and often “just enough” to keep me in constant communication with you. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for the people you have placed in our lives who have loved us, cared for us, and pointed us to you. Thank you, for so often not taking MY advice 😉 Your plans are so much better. Thank you, thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen! Your daughter, Rita!
What a great message Rita. No better way to learn how Faithful He is than to have to trust Him for Provision rather than our bank balance.