“What pours out of people when they get bumped, was always there.” That’s what my Pastor says. And while it’s often easier to see examples of that in others, it’s true of ourselves too. How many times have I said something in anger, only to regret it less than five minutes later. It shouldn’t be so – but it is. It’s true of all of us.
“Are you a doctor? NO! You’re JUST a nurse!” That’s what was hollered at me yesterday.
And yes, it rubbed me the wrong way. Anyone who has ever worked with me knows how I correct Moms and Wives when they say, “I’m just a housewife,” or “I’m just a Mom.” Those are some pretty doggone important credentials. When I see my grandkids running off the basketball court to fall ONLY into the arms of Mom who they instinctively know will speak words of encouragement and comfort, I’d say we can certainly leave off the word “just” when describing our roles as moms or wives. But if you must… go ahead. We’re happy to be just what we are.
My brother stood up at my Dad’s funeral 18 plus years ago and said, “My Dad had just a 5th grade education, and he was the smartest man I ever knew. In fact, I find myself wanting to be more and more like him as the years pass by.”
Well, my Dad wasn’t around to know that I went to nursing school after my medical transcription job became a thing of the past. I always wished that he knew. He always wanted more for us than he had growing up. He wanted us to achieve more than he had, but what he didn’t realize was that with “just” his 5th grade education, he taught us the things that really mattered – treating people kindly was all the way up at the top.
Thankfully, after being “bumped” yesterday with those words that were meant to insult me, I never had a chance for anything to spill out of my heart, and then subsequently out of my mouth, because this gentleman was too busy talking on his cell phone for over 30 minutes for me to respond. So during that time when I let him yack on his phone because, quite frankly, I refuse to fight for your time when you’re actually there to see ME… I was reminded of my Dad, his 5th grade education, and about how I have always wished he knew I’d become a nurse.
I’m actually JUST a few other things too, though.
I’ve been chosen by God to be JUST Rory and Ian’s Mum. I have the privilege of being JUST Holly and Hayley’s mother-in-law. And I JUST love getting to be Gummy to JUST Lyla, Owen, & Maci. God picked them all JUST for me, and He picked me JUST for them!
So yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m grateful this morning to be “just a nurse.” Yesterday was an incredible reminder. So yeah, thanks for that!
Rita you were so much more than just a nurse when you were with hospice and you came to our home every Monday to visit Chuck. You became a friend that brought comfort to us both when we needed it. I always looked forward to our Monday morning coffee club having a special treat brought by you and so much more. You took charge when I was unable and provided care, love, and dignity to him. Thank you never feels enough but Thank You❤️
Love you; sincerely appreciate this! When school asked all the kids in our daughter’s class what there career choice was for when they grew up, she said “I want to be a mom”. After the class she said to me, is it ok if I don’t want all that stuff other kids want for a career; cool things like a doctor, lawyer, business professional…being a mom is what I want! I explained to her God put it in her heart what He wants to do and the best thing we can ever be is what God wants us to be. If that’s what we want, it’s more important than any other thing we can be; we need to do and be our best at what God calls us to be and being a mom is the most honorable job there is…you’re raising another human being to know, love, serve and follow the LORD! It’s a gift and high calling. It is. I used to say I “just”, too…and this excellent encouragement is sincerely appreciated!
You sound like JUST the perfect Mom
For your little girl! Press on Sister! 💕💕💕
<3 <3 <3 We're so sincerely blessed; thank you! God is SO Good!